Thursday, January 29, 2009


As I had never been to a gay club Emma and Matt decided they would take me to one in Kings Cross. I met Emma at their apartment to get ready and Matt and his 2 friends turned up after work a little later.

After many vodka shots and a couple of other drinks we were all quite merry and looking forward to the night out. We decided to walk there and slowly made our way. On route we stopped at a Bottle-O where we bought a bottle of vodka to share which was sold to us in a brown paper bag and proceeded to drink it on the way to the club-CLASSY i know!

When we got to the club called ARQ I needed to pop to the ladies so Emma came with me (you know how it is, girls always have to go in pairs) and whilst i was waiting for a free cubicle Emma warned me that men would usually use the ladies toilets too at which point a man promptly walked out of one, it was a strange sight to see. After recovering from the shock of seeing various men in the ladies toilets checking themselves out in the mirror and using the facilities, as we were all pretty drunk we made our way onto the dance floor straight away. After a little while of dancing the music stopped and the stage act of drag queens competing to win a cash prize by showing who was the best dancer started.

Looking back, the dancing and miming of their chosen songs was absolutely awful but at the time it was just hilarious. After the show we continued drinking and dancing into the night. Even though I was in a gay bar I still had 2 men try and hit on me, I flashed the wedding ring and shouted “Im married”, to which one responded “So am I”, i quickly moved away from them. I wanted to ensure I took some photos of my night out so was happy snapping away when a woman who seemed a bit keen on me approached, fortunately we just ended up having our photo taken together and I escaped to go back to my little circle of friends to dance the night away.
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