Friday, June 27, 2008

Chilling in Malacca

Until now the coaches had been below par, with old dirty seats and no suspension but Kit had really come through for us and we stood in front of a brand new executive coach. With leather seats, a/c and loads of leg room. Unfortunately it was only a 3 hour coach ride but we enjoyed every minute of it on our way to Malacca.
Malacca was a bit of a sleepy town with interesting historical sites but not really much else to do. The hotel we were staying in was the best one so far. We had a nice clean ensuite with a bath! And the hotel had a Jacuzzi on the rooftop. Paul, Anna, Adam and I went exploring around the town with Kit whilst the others made use of the Jacuzzi.

In the evening we had a Chinese by the river and then went looking for the local cinema. We walked though a large shopping centre and saw the signs for the cinema. However when we got to the entrance there was a sign displayed saying it was opening on the 5th of July so we were a couple of days too early. In the end we made our way back to the hotel and chilled out in the bar and listened to the local musician. The next morning Adam and some of the others hired bikes to go exploring, some people stayed at the hotel in the Jacuzzi and Anna and I decided to take a riverboat cruise. When Adam had returned from his bike ride i asked him what interesting things he saw and his response was “not a lot but we did find some swings”.

Anna and I in the meantime had a lovely time on the riverboat. The guide was brilliant informing us of how there were many changes afoot to be completed for 2010. Redevelopment was quite high on the agenda but what was nice was the fact that they weren’t trying to make it look too modern, in fact they were updating houses and buildings but to look as though they were from early 20th century. After our trip we went back to the hotel and joined some of the others in the Jacuzzi. Adam and the others had gone to the bar to grab some lunch after their bike ride and he then went to use Paul’s bathroom as i had got our room key. I was then told by Debra that Adam had got locked in the toilet and there were about half a dozen people trying to rescue him. In the end the staff managed to take the lock off the door which left a huge hole in Paul’s bathroom door (good thing he wasn’t sharing the room with anyone else). What a day! After a lovely relaxing day for me anyway we enjoyed a massive feast of a bbq. We couldn’t believe how much food was there from chicken satay to pasta, shrimp, jacket potato’s, it was all so lovely.
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